"This Blog made to bring Glory and Praise to the Lord"

Friday, July 27, 2012

Just let it slip on by...

How is everyone doing? Me I am in denial;) For you see tomorrow I will be 28 on the 28th!! Another year has gone by and I will be another year older. I never understood when people said just ignore the day and let it go by quietly. Well I understand now because that is exactly what I am saying as I get older.  Oh dear I just had the thought next year at this time I will be saying 29 and then 30. I better stop or I am just going to get myself worked up..lol. So Happy Birthday to me tomorrow. Lets keep it quiet though and just let it slide by. I think I am now an adult and older when I repeat that.


  1. Happy Birthday!!! I hope it is a blessed year.

    Amy Jo

  2. Happy Birthday! Wishing you a wonder day.

  3. I'm so sorry I missed your birthday, Jennifer - I wish you a belated but heartfelt HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I hope your day was wonderful! And don't worry about being 28 - you're still very young and energetic!! :-D

    Happy Birthday, my friend!



Thanks for stopping by and dropping a note:) I love hearing from my bloggy friends around the world:) Drop by anytime,just remember this is a Christian blog so keep it clean. God bless and have Wonderful day!