"This Blog made to bring Glory and Praise to the Lord"

Monday, November 5, 2012

Who will it be?

Well it's the eve of the big day tomorrow here in the good ole USA!! We will find out who will got voted in for President for the next 4 years! I will be glad when it is over. I am so tired of my news feed on facebook being filled with pictures and status about Politics. I hate all the people fighting and bashing each others issues and their person they stand for. Can't everybody just quietly vote and spend the time they spend fighting in prayer for the country. I just want everyone to come together. I just like to see people getting along and in peace. So who will it be?


We shall see soon!!


  1. Amen! I so agree :o) Hugs Jennifer

  2. not obama please...lol

  3. hi friend im on a blog break january will be back please bear with me..will be a new start... blessings soraya


Thanks for stopping by and dropping a note:) I love hearing from my bloggy friends around the world:) Drop by anytime,just remember this is a Christian blog so keep it clean. God bless and have Wonderful day!