"This Blog made to bring Glory and Praise to the Lord"

Friday, June 7, 2013

Return of the Birds...

Every morning almost,these birds come out. They are so freaky looking!!! They all gaither and sleep on a tower on our road. In the morning times they sit and walk on roofs and decks. This one I got pictures of came this afternoon. I looked it up on the Internet and they are called Black Vultures. They are just so scary looking in person!!
 "What you talking about"??
 I put out a piece of bread so I could get some pictures of it.

1 comment:

  1. The first picture of the bird made me laugh - not sure why, but I had a good giggle :) They are odd looking and they look fairly large. I think I'll take a Magpie over these Vultures :)

    Have a beautiful Sunday!


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