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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The Open Bible Review

I sometimes don't understand what the bible is telling me. I recently had a chance to review this bible out and it is filled with tons of information. It's the NKJV Bible and at the front of each book it tells what goes on in that certain book along with other information about it. I really liked that part of it!! It has full color maps in the back,a huge Concordance,Biblical Cyclopedic Index with 8,000 topics!! It has a section that shows what days to read which parts so you can read the full bible in a year. Also was a section The Greatest Archaeological Discoveries in the bible and so much other stuff and study tools. If you are looking to go deep and study the word of the bible then this is for you!! I really like it and can't wait to dig into it and learn more and understand more.

I received this book free from booksneeze for my honest review

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing your book review- just found your blog and enjoyed reading it!


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