"This Blog made to bring Glory and Praise to the Lord"

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Random Talk

Hey ya'll:)
I hope this post finds you all well and good. I hope you had a wonderful Valentines day! Remember even if you are single **Like me** don't feel bad cause Valentines isn't just for couples it is about showing love to everyone around you and caring for others. You don't have to be in a relationship to celebrate Valentines and plus you should show the people you love everyday that they are loved not just one day of the year:) I bought me a new little digital camera the other week. Same make as my other one just a upgrade to 16.1 mp. It is a cybershot by sony. I am not really sure I tell a difference in it much. So how is everyone out there in bloggy land doing?

I love looking at the moon when it shines through my window like this.
 Some cute little cupcakes I bought for Valentines day
 Some Candy and a card from my parents

 A supper of Lasagna


  1. The cupcakes are so cute ( I LOVE cupcakes) and your table setting is very sweet!

  2. It's good to hear from you Jennifer! Your pics are lovely! Especially the one of the cupcakes. :D Enjoy that candy!

    Have a wonderfully blessed day!


Thanks for stopping by and dropping a note:) I love hearing from my bloggy friends around the world:) Drop by anytime,just remember this is a Christian blog so keep it clean. God bless and have Wonderful day!