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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Book Review:Then Sings my Soul 3

I recently had the chance to review this book. I had read book 2 and enjoyed it. This is the last book and number 3 in the "Then sings my soul series". This one goes deeper then any of the others have gone. It has gone into hymns that I had never even heard and some that I did know. It gave a deep history of hymns throughout the years and starting behind hymns and hymn books. I found out so many things I did not even know about. I really enjoyed getting to read the history and how we became to singing out of hymn books today. You always sing these songs in church,but you never know the reason behind it and why it was wrote. Then it also gives a bunch of songs and their lyrics and the story behind each song. I really enjoyed this book and it is wonderful if you want to know the history of hymns.

I received this book free from booksneeze for my honest review


  1. Thank you for your book review. I am definitely going to look into these. I do love the hymns!


  2. I found your blog through booksneeze.com (I’m also a booksneeze blogger) I’m releasing an e-book at the beginning of next month. "The 6:33 Piano Teacher, How to teach piano for the glory of God." It’s for Christians who have thought about teaching music lessons. If this is something you might be willing to review for me, please e-mail me at lessonsfromivy at gmail dot com. I'm a relatively new author so I will take all the reviews I can get : )


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