"This Blog made to bring Glory and Praise to the Lord"

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Book Review:Dry as Rain by Gina Holmes

I recently had the chance to review this book. Sadly though I didn't read very far. It didn't seem like a Christian read and it's not labeled on the book as Christian fiction like I thought it was,it might be on up in the book but I stopped reading it. This is about a man who cheated on his wife and she was in a wreck and does not remember anything when she wakes up. I didn't feel I should promote a book that talked about Sex outside of marriage on my blog since I don't agree with any of that. I promote more of a godly blog and to keep my testimony I talk about on here I just didn't feel right on reading this book or promoting a review on it. Yes the book may be alright for older women who are going through this and I know this does occur in the world and you can be forgiven for this sin, but I just didn't feel that this was the kind of fiction I wanted to read or promote on this blog when I started to read it. It this offends you that I won't read it I am sorry about that but I will stand behind my convictions and what I feel isn't good reading for me too be reading. I had to write this post to keep my agreement with posting an honest review of how I felt. I don't want my reading of books to go in that direction and I want to uphold this as a clean Christian blog and not promote stuff that I would not read.

Received this book free from Tyndale for my honest review.


  1. I'm glad you have those convictions about being careful what you put into your heart and mind. I can almost guess the place you stopped and I worried when I wrote it that some might stop there and read no further. I wish you had, I think you might have changed your mind. There can be no redemption if there is nothing to be redeemed from. Regardless, thank you for your honesty. In Him, gina

  2. I am with you, Jennifer. I can't tell you how many times I have returned books to the library unread because I couldn't go any farther into them. I refuse to put that kind of information into my mind. I appreciate what the author is saying in her comment above, but I think I would have done exactly as you did.
    By the way, I am enjoying your blog very much.

  3. Thank you Carok:) I just don't want my readers to think I read certain stuff when I don't agree with it myself. I have started guarding what I read a lot recently:) Have a great day!! God bless


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