Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
It is so easy to say I will follow the Lord. When it comes down to it though when it's all said and done will you truly follow the Lord wherever he might lead you? I recently had to live out this question with our move to a new place. We had been praying for a long time for a stable job for my dad. Finally the Lord showed us and lead us here after a couple years of prayers and wondering what to do. I have truly seen God move in the last couple of weeks. So many things have fell into place. So it leaves me with question will you follow him no matter what? He took and moved my family 500 miles away from home the only home I knew and grew up in and my whole life was changed when we packed the house and moved. We are in a new place where we don't know a single person. I honestly think the lord is giving me perfect peace about where we are. Do I want to be here? No. Did I ever expect this is where we would end up? Not in a million;) It is so easy to sit on a pew at church during service and say yes I will follow him, but when it came down to it and you truly had to decide to follow where he leads would Christians stand up and go or would they back down. It's a hard answer but yet its also an easy answer in my mind. Because I have lived this very question I can totally relate to it now. The hard part is trusting the unknown ahead,but know that God is leading and he has a plan. It's scary and sometimes you feel alone but I also think it's an easy answer at times because in those moments when you feel God wrapping his arms around you and giving you total peace about leaving your home and being hundreds of miles from family and a community you know and grew up in. Those truly are some of the most wonderful moments because you can truly see that when your totally alone and following his will you have his perfect hand and his perfect peace guiding you and that makes it worth it all in the end.
Philippians 4:11"Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content."