"This Blog made to bring Glory and Praise to the Lord"

Monday, February 7, 2011

Wendy's Strawberry Frosty Shake

Last time I admitted I am a Cheerwine Float Fan from Cookout! My sister brought me something else that is good one day from Wendy's!! I want one ever so often they are really good!! So what is it?

Strawberry Frosty Milkshakes

They are a  frosty with whipped cream in them and ever so good:) Remember back in the day when all Wendy's had was Chocolate frosty's? I am glad they changed and made this new shake,it is delish:)


  1. Mmmm....sounds good right about now! LOL! I had a chocolate one the other day but I'm craving strawberry for some reason! ;)

  2. Oh I love these and I love Wendys period. Choc and strawberry are my favorites. Blessings Jennifer.


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